Monday, August 27, 2012

My attempt at leaving facebook

It was time to say goodbye to facebook. The drama was overwhelming.  It got to the point of addiction almost, wondering, spying, clicking........ I think of the many wasted hours looking at the crap people put on there.  I would much rather share my life with others, and in the process not have to feel obligated to look at pictures and the like.  So, if you want to keep up on my life you can stop here or call me up.  I promise this will be a place of fun post's, and things that will make you think.  Nice part about it is I wont have to filter who is or is not my friend, and you dont ever have to come here or feel obligated to come here. I wont even really know who stops by unless you leave a comment. So heres to picking up where I left off.

We find ourselves well here at the Tobin ranch.  Summer is coming to a close. We are in the midst of Rebecca making a slip cover for the couch, and I am refinishing the dining room floor. We tore the carpet out of the dining room and are refinishing the hardwood underneath.  I tore all the base board and trim off and I am striping it, rather than buying new.  It is alot of work, but it is really coming together.

I have found that Rebecca is a natural at sewing.  The slip cover s coming together nicely.  I will post some pictures soon.

I hope you are all well. God is good, all the time.


Sarah Ann said...

Good for you! If I wasn't so far from family and friends, I would too :)

Jeremy said...

Sarah, its just taking to much of my time and mind. Enjoy it for what it is!!